

  • 1066 Budapest, Jókai Street 6. Corner Six Office Building


radiológia magánrendelés

What does

Radiology do?

For accurate assessment of many diseases, in addition to the usual physical examination performed by a doctor and analysis of laboratory parameters, it is necessary to visualize the physical conditions inside the body. Radiology is the medical field specializing in this. Its task is to assist medical diagnostics using imaging procedures that can painlessly show the internal structure of the human body.

Some imaging procedures involve radioactive (ionizing) radiation, which although could be harmful in large doses, poses negligible risk under average circumstances in the quantities used during examinations, and its benefits far outweigh the risks. Such examination is, for example, taking an X-ray. X-ray imaging is best for assessing the condition of bones and joints. Other procedures do not involve any radiation exposure at all, so their application carries no risk according to current scientific knowledge. Such is ultrasound examination. Ultrasound is excellent for examining abdominal and pelvic organs, blood vessels, and soft tissues of the neck.


When should you visit radiology?

  • Joint pain
  • Thyroid issues
  • Varicose veins
  • Gallbladder pain or symptoms
  • Kidney pain or symptoms
  • Other abdominal issues
  • As part of a screening exam
röntgen felvétel
radiológia magánrendelés

How does a radiological examination work?

The examinations are painless and can be performed in just a few minutes, so usually no special preparation is needed.

During the X-ray examination, our specialist will ask you to keep the body part to be examined pressed against the machine in a certain position while remaining motionless; you have no other tasks.

During the ultrasound examination, our specialist touches the machine’s probe to the area being examined. Abdominal ultrasound is performed on an empty stomach, with a full bladder. Ultrasound examination does not involve radiation exposure, is painless, and can be repeated virtually unlimited times.

Our prices in radiology

Two-way chest X-ray 18 800 Ft
Two-way skull X-ray 22 500 Ft
Two-way skull X-ray 16 500 Ft
Sinus X-ray 14 500 Ft
Nasal bone X-ray 14 500 Ft
Temporomandibular joint X-ray (both sides, four-way) 24 500 Ft
Mandible X-ray 14 500 Ft
Native kidney + bladder X-ray 22 500 Ft
Native kidney + bladder X-ray 16 500 Ft
Bone-joint X-ray images of one region
Hand finger X-ray (two-way) 16 500 Ft
Navicular X-ray (4 images) 18 500 Ft
Navicular X-ray (4 images) 20 500 Ft
Wrist X-ray (two-way) 18 500 Ft
Forearm X-ray (two-way) 18 500 Ft
Elbow X-ray (two-way) 18 500 Ft
Upper arm X-ray (two-way) 18 500 Ft
Shoulder X-ray (two-way) 18 500 Ft
Cervical spine X-ray (two-way) 20 500 Ft
Thoracic spine X-ray (two-way) 20 500 Ft
Lumbar spine X-ray (two-way) 20 500 Ft
Sacrum - coccyx X-ray (two-way) 18 500 Ft
Toe X-ray (two-way) 18 500 Ft
Foot X-ray (two-way) 18 500 Ft
Ankle X-ray (two-way) 18 500 Ft
Ankle X-ray (three-way) 20 500 Ft
Heel X-ray (one-way) 16 500 Ft
Heel X-ray (two-way) 18 500 Ft
Shin X-ray (two-way) 18 500 Ft
Knee X-ray (two-way) 18 500 Ft
Knee X-ray (three-way) 20 500 Ft
Femur X-ray (two-way) 18 500 Ft
Hip X-ray (two-way) 18 500 Ft
Pelvis X-ray (one-way) 16 500 Ft
Pelvis + targeted hip X-ray 18 500 Ft
Knee + axial patella X-ray 20 500 Ft
Additional images (regardless of number) 5 500 Ft
Ultrasound Examinations
Neck soft tissue and thyroid ultrasound examination 32 500 Ft
Neck soft tissue and thyroid ultrasound examination 30 500 Ft
Complex neck ultrasound examination (neck soft tissue, thyroid and neck vessel ultrasound) 30 500 Ft
Complex neck ultrasound examination (neck soft tissue, thyroid and neck vessel ultrasound) 52 500 Ft
Breast ultrasound examination 32 500 Ft
Limb venous Doppler examination 30 500 Ft
Thyroid, lymph node ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology sampling 46 500 Ft
Aspiration cytology sample analysis/region 14 500 Ft
Thyroid ultrasound 30 500 Ft
Testicular ultrasound 30 500 Ft
Soft tissue mass ultrasound examination 28 500 Ft
Manager ultrasound (abdominal and pelvic, thyroid, carotid-Doppler) 82 500 Ft

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Why choose us?
  • Comprehensive, patient-centered care
  • Central location, easy access
  • High-level professional expertise
  • Modern medical equipment
  • Short waiting times
  • Comprehensive screening tests
  • Competitive prices, continuous discounts, loyalty program