

  • 1066 Budapest, Jókai Street 6. Corner Six Office Building


magán bőrgyógyászat

What does

Dermatology deal with?

The skin is the largest organ of the human body, covering approximately two square meters of an average-sized person. This layer, only a few millimeters thick, performs a variety of important functions. Its primary role is to physically protect the body, but it also plays a vital role in fighting pathogens, filtering harmful UV radiation, and regulating body temperature, making it the first line of defense in maintaining the body’s internal order. Due to the various external influences, this organ frequently becomes diseased. One of the most important disease groups requiring attention is cancerous skin conditions. In the case of dermatological tumors (as with any other type of cancer), early detection through regular screenings offers the best chance of recovery. The most significant cause of skin cancer is excessive UV radiation, as the skin can only handle harmful sun exposure to a certain extent. During the summer, always use high-SPF sunscreen, avoid sunburn, and consult a doctor immediately if you notice any suspicious skin changes.

When should you visit a dermatologist?
  • For mole screening
  • For acne-prone skin
  • hajhullás esetén
  • For hair loss
  • For persistent dandruff
  • For wart removal
  • For allergic skin rashes
  • For inflammatory skin diseases
  • For nail abnormalities on the hands or feet
  • For other pathological skin changes
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How does a dermatological examination proceed?

Our specialist will inquire in detail about your previous known illnesses, medications, and past surgeries. The affected area is then examined with the naked eye and a dermatoscope (a handheld device equipped with a lamp and magnifier). The examination takes a few minutes and is completely painless. To identify the condition, a biopsy may be required. Moles, warts, and other skin lesions are often excised by a surgeon. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia, which may cause mild discomfort only during the anesthesia process. All removed skin lesions are sent for histological examination.

If necessary, our dermatologist may also recommend laboratory tests or further internal medicine examinations.

Treatment of Excessive Sweating with Injections

Injection treatment for excessive sweating is an ideal solution for those who wish to stop sweating, avoid uncomfortable situations, and easily handle the warmer months. The treatment is a quick, simple, and reliable non-surgical procedure.

Advantages of the Treatment

  • The treatment temporarily blocks sweat glands in the underarm area
  • The procedure is performed by an experienced dermatologist-cosmetologist and plastic surgeon under maximum safety conditions
  • The effect lasts for 4-6 months and can be regularly repeated
  • Each session takes only 15 minutes per area, after which you can immediately return to your daily activities
  • According to current knowledge, repeated botox treatments have a longer-lasting effect, meaning fewer future treatments are needed to maintain the desired results

The active ingredient only inhibits the function of sweat-responsible muscles by attaching to nerve endings and chemically blocking nerve conduction. However, its effect is only temporary, and muscle function later returns to normal. If you are deemed suitable for treatment following a preliminary dermatological assessment, our specialist can perform the procedure immediately after consultation, which is done under topical anesthesia. You should expect 15-20 needle insertions per area.

After the injection, minimal skin redness, sensitivity, or bruising may occur, but these symptoms disappear shortly. The early results of the treatment can be felt within 1-3 days after the procedure, while the final effect takes about 10-14 days to achieve. It’s important to note that hair removal is required before treatment, and deodorant use is prohibited 24 hours prior. After treatment, activities that cause warming of the treated areas are not recommended as they may weaken the effect (e.g., sunbathing, sauna, sports).

Like all treatments, this one can have side effects. These include local swelling, bruising, numbness, nausea, and headache.

When is the treatment not recommended?

  • In case of active skin diseases
  • During pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • In case of muscle function or nervous system issues
izzadásgátló injekció
Prices in Dermatology
Specialist examination 35 900 Ft
Specialist examination with mole screening 46 500 Ft
Dermatoscopic mole screening 35 900 Ft
Follow-up examination 28 500 Ft
Regular care 29 800 Ft
Scar (keloid) injection treatment 16 500 Ft
Additional biopsy - histological sampling 22 500 Ft
Available with specialist or follow-up examination:
Skin lesion removal by freezing/burning 1-5 pcs 15 000 Ft
Skin lesion removal by freezing/burning 5-10 pcs 22 500 Ft
Skin lesion removal by freezing/burning 10-20 pcs 27 500 Ft
Skin lesion removal by freezing/burning 20-30 pcs 32 500 Ft
Skin lesion removal by freezing/burning over 30 42 500 Ft
Pediatric Dermatology
Pediatric dermatology specialist examination 34 500 Ft
Follow-up 28 500 Ft
Regular care 29 800 Ft
Book an appointment online

Pediatric Dermatology

During childhood, numerous skin conditions can cause unpleasant symptoms. Even a harmless rash can bother a child, as it may itch, become sore, or cause a burning sensation. In such cases, it is always advisable to consult a specialist!

How does a pediatric dermatological examination proceed?

The pediatric dermatological examination begins with taking the child’s medical history. The dermatologist will ask the parent and the child in detail about the observed symptoms, focusing on the skin but also covering any previous illnesses. The pediatric dermatologist will then proceed by examining the affected area of the skin. If necessary, the skin and dermal structures will be examined more closely using a magnifying glass or a specialized device with internal lighting and magnification, known as a dermatoscope.

The following treatment options are available in the pediatric dermatology clinic:

  • Examination of rashes and skin conditions
  • Removal of benign dermatological lesions
  • Removal of viral warts
  • Treatment of fungal infections
  • Treatment of psoriasis
  • Removal of minor skin lesions for cosmetic purposes (lipoma, fibroma, atheroma, basal cell carcinoma, pigmentation disorders)
gyermek bőrgyógyászat
geomedical váró
Why choose us?
  • Comprehensive, patient-centered care
  • Central location, easy acces
  • High-level professional expertise
  • Modern medical equipment
  • Short waiting times
  • Comprehensive screening tests
  • Competitive prices, continuous discounts, loyalty program