

Zalán Gulyás, M.D.

cardiologist, medical director
  • I have been working at the Cardiology Department of the Hungarian Defense Forces Health Center since obtaining my medical degree. Here I had the opportunity to learn and master a wide spectrum of non-invasive cardiological examination methods. I routinely use 24-hour blood pressure and ambulatory ECG monitoring, as well as stress ECG tests. I have Hungarian license examinations for cardiac ultrasound and cardiac catheterization procedures, and currently perform interventions in two domestic cardiac catheterization laboratories. As a cardiologist at a tertiary center, I participate in the diagnosis of complex and rare conditions. My main area of interest is the acute care of myocardial infarction and the chronic care of patients who have undergone it. In recent years, I have also been involved in the examination of patients awaiting catheter-based aortic valve implantation, as well as long-term care of patients who have undergone the procedure.


  • 2006-2012 - Semmelweis University, graduated summa cum laude

Professional Experience

  • 2012 - Hungarian Defense Forces State Healthcare Center, Cardiology
  • 2017 - Cardiology specialist exam, Hungarian cardiac surgery license
  • 2019 - Transthoracic echocardiography Hungarian license

Office Hours

  • Monday: 9:00-14:30

Scientific Societies

  • Hungarian Society of Cardiology Youth Committee, Vice President


  • English

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Why choose us?
  • Comprehensive, patient-centered care
  • Central location, easy access
  • High-level professional expertise
  • Modern medical equipment
  • Short waiting times
  • Comprehensive screening examinations
  • Competitive prices, ongoing discounts, loyalty program