

  • 1066 Budapest, Jókai Street 6. Corner Six Office Building

GeoBeauty Thread Lifting

If you want a younger and firmer face without plastic surgery, then one of the most modern and widespread thin-thread face lifting treatments in aesthetic dermatology can be an effective and lasting solution.

The treatment is perfectly suitable for lifting and tightening loose, sagging skin. It is especially recommended for refining wrinkles around the face, neck, mouth and nose, as well as emphasizing the jawline and mid-face, but the results are also spectacular in tightening the upper arm and areas above the knee. It can be very well combined with other facial rejuvenation treatments, such as COG thread face lifting.

COG Thread Face Rejuvenation

One of the most modern aesthetic rejuvenation treatments, COG thread face lifting, which achieves very spectacular results without major plastic surgery intervention.

During the procedure, bio-threads are threaded into the deeper layers of the skin, which mechanically lift the tissues, making the results visible immediately after the intervention. Since the inserted threads stimulate collagen production, the process ensures favorable effects in the long term.

The procedure is very quick, produces spectacular results, with minimal pain and the treated area heals quickly.

The COG thread treatment can be combined with high efficiency together with thin-thread face lifting.

Our Doctors

Contact the following doctors for thin-thread face lifting treatments

Our Prices at GeoBeauty

geobeauty ikon
Zo Skin bőrgyógyászati szakorvosi konzultáció teljes protokoll vásárlása esetén Ft
Nucleofill kezelés 75 000 Ft
Vékonyszálas arcfeszesítés
Vékonyszálas arcfeszesítés (szálak számától, típusától függően, -tól) 140 000 Ft
Profhilo hialuronsavas töltés 120 000 Ft
Vivace kezelés 120 000 Ft
Hyaluronsavas arcformázás
Ajak frissítés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Ajak feltöltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 90 000 Ft
Orca töltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Áll kontúrozás (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Állív töltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Szemkörnyék töltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Supermodel Look (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
geomedical időpontfoglalás

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Frequently Asked Questions

How is the procedure performed?

After adequate anesthesia, using a very thin needle, special, biodegradable, sterile multifil threads of various thicknesses and lengths are inserted into the skin. The implanted threads mechanically support and lift the tissues, and on the other hand, a regeneration process begins during which collagen fibers are formed. This newly formed connective tissue system supports and tightens the skin after the threads are absorbed.

Why choose thin-thread face lifting?

-simple and quick,

-short healing time, no scarring at the intervention site,

-minimal pain,


-spectacular and lasting results that can last 2-3 years.

With regular additional treatments, the aging of the skin and underlying connective tissue can be prevented in an incredible way.

What are the possible side effects of the treatment?

-micro-injuries and minor bruising may occur, which disappear within 3-4 days

-in some cases, a slight stinging sensation may occur with certain facial expressions after treatment

The integration time of the threads is approximately two weeks, after which the more unpleasant side effects also disappear.

The thin-thread contour therapy results in vibrant, firmer skin and a decades-younger appearance.