

  • 1066 Budapest, Jókai Street 6. Corner Six Office Building

GeoBeauty Profhilo kezelés

Profhilo is a dermal filler based on highly concentrated hyaluronic acid that enables a unique skin structure transformation treatment. The aesthetic procedure is based on reversing the signs of aging at the cellular level. It stimulates the skin to produce new collagen and elastin cells, which visibly improves and tightens the skin, making it more elastic and firmer, resulting in a much more youthful appearance.
It is effective not only on the face but can also be used for tightening on the neck, décolletage, hands, and upper arms.
It is recommended to repeat the treatment after 4-6 weeks.

Our Doctors

Contact our following doctors with confidence for Profhilo treatment

Our Prices at GeoBeauty

geobeauty ikon
Zo Skin bőrgyógyászati szakorvosi konzultáció teljes protokoll vásárlása esetén Ft
Nucleofill kezelés 75 000 Ft
Vékonyszálas arcfeszesítés
Vékonyszálas arcfeszesítés (szálak számától, típusától függően, -tól) 140 000 Ft
Profhilo hialuronsavas töltés 120 000 Ft
Vivace kezelés 120 000 Ft
Hyaluronsavas arcformázás
Ajak frissítés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Ajak feltöltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 90 000 Ft
Orca töltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Áll kontúrozás (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Állív töltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Szemkörnyék töltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Supermodel Look (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
geomedical időpontfoglalás

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should we choose Profhilo treatment?

When using other types of hyaluronic acids, tightening is specifically achieved in the treated area, while Profhilo filling spreads evenly across the skin, resulting in overall surface renewal. Thus, the appearance and rejuvenation will be much more noticeable. The treatment is recommended twice a year.

How safe is the injected material and the procedure?

According to clinical results, it is one of the safest materials, 100 percent pure, and does not damage skin tissues.

What is the essence of the treatment?

Profhilo must be injected directly under the skin surface. The filler can spread and work effectively from the specified points.

Which areas is the treatment recommended for?

– Smoothing crow’s feet, smoking and laugh lines, forehead wrinkles
– Sagging loose skin on face, décolletage, neck, arms, back of hands
– For dull, lifeless, dried out skin

What are the risks of the treatment?

It may cause mild discomfort, which can be almost completely eliminated by using anesthetic cream.