

  • 1066 Budapest, Jókai Street 6. Corner Six Office Building

GeoBeauty Suiselle Cellbooster

Cellbooster® injectable boosters are made from the highest quality hyaluronic acid, amino acids, and vitamins. They perfectly align with skin physiology, with Swiss watch precision. 100% pure active ingredient complexes that can be safely used for aging, unwanted pigmentation, hair loss, and body contouring purposes.

The brand new Cellbooster® product family was introduced to the market by Swiss-based Suiselle in 2021, and has now finally arrived in Hungary!

The product is unique thanks to Suiselle’s patented CHAC technology! With this special process, selected amino acids and vitamins are incorporated into the opening, non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid chain under high pressure. After reducing the pressure, the chain closes, and we get an injectable preparation with outstanding active ingredient content.

The ampoules are available in four variants

Cellbooster® Lift

For treating signs of aging. Fills soft tissue, prevents oxidative stress, deeply hydrates, stimulates collagen production, improves microcirculation and cell nutrient supply. Evens out skin texture, also treats acne and stretch marks. Excellent before plastic surgery procedures. The non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid chain contains vitamins E, C, and B2, biotin, and five types of amino acids.

Course content: 3 treatments, every 2-3 weeks.

Maintenance treatment: 1 session every two months.

Cellbooster® Glow

Nourishes, hydrates, and deeply moisturizes the skin, reduces hyperpigmentation, fights against oxidative stress. Restores the structural unity of the dermis, neutralizes free radicals, and reduces the effects of keratosis. Provides anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects. Contains vitamin C, biotin, and six types of amino acids alongside non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid.

Cellbooster® Glow course content: 3 treatments, every 2-3 weeks.

Maintenance treatment: 1 session every two months.

Cellbooster® Hair

Strengthens hair follicles, promotes hair growth and scalp microcirculation. Restores scalp structure and strengthens hair strands. Recommended for treating various scalp and hair problems caused by hormonal effects, psoriasis, seborrhea, stress, nutrient and trace element deficiencies – for hair loss, breakage, dry scalp, dandruff, premature graying. The active ingredient complex contains copper and zinc in addition to hyaluronic acid and various vitamins and amino acids.

Cellbooster® Hair course content: 6 treatments, every 2-3 weeks.

Maintenance treatment: 1 session every two months.

Cellbooster® Shape

Reduces local fat deposits and fat accumulation. Reduces water retention, eliminates swelling, improves microcirculation and hydration. Can be used not only for body but also for facial “slimming,” and can treat neck, décolletage, back of hands, inner arms. Contains L-carnitine alongside hyaluronic acid, amino acids, and vitamins.

Course content: 3 treatments, every 2-3 weeks.

Maintenance treatment: 1 session every two months.


Price per treatment: 55000 Ft

Our Doctors

Contact the following doctors for thin thread face lifting treatment

Prices at GeoBeauty

geobeauty ikon
Zo Skin bőrgyógyászati szakorvosi konzultáció teljes protokoll vásárlása esetén Ft
Nucleofill kezelés 75 000 Ft
Vékonyszálas arcfeszesítés
Vékonyszálas arcfeszesítés (szálak számától, típusától függően, -tól) 140 000 Ft
Profhilo hialuronsavas töltés 120 000 Ft
Vivace kezelés 120 000 Ft
Hyaluronsavas arcformázás
Ajak frissítés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Ajak feltöltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 90 000 Ft
Orca töltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Áll kontúrozás (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Állív töltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Szemkörnyék töltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Supermodel Look (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft

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