

  • 1066 Budapest, Jókai Street 6. Corner Six Office Building

Health and beauty is a state that perhaps we all desire. However, healthy beauty is no longer just a desire or an unattainable dream, but rather an easily and safely achievable possibility.

GeoBeauty’s services combine the most modern achievements of medical science and the beauty industry: we use clinical agents and materials in our aesthetic procedures that ensure the highest level of effectiveness expected today for our patients.

Get to know our products and GeoBeauty’s medical specialists: visit us and take advantage of the possibilities offered by modern beauty care!


GeoBeauty Services

Anti-wrinkle Treatment

Youth is no longer a matter of years. You can regain your facial skin’s firmness with a simple, safe, and fast-acting treatment.

Hyaluronic Acid Treatment

Help your skin rejuvenate! We offer an almost instantly effective, simple, and extremely visible treatment for you.

zo skin health

ZO Skin Health

GeoBeauty is an official partner of the world-class Zo Skin beauty care product line. Discover their products!

Vivace Treatment

VIVACE fractional microneedle radiofrequency treatment is an effective and safe method for non-surgical skin rejuvenation.

Profhilo Treatment

Profhilo is an extremely high-concentration hyaluronic acid-based filler that enables unique skin structure transformation treatment.

Thread Face Lifting

If you want a younger and firmer face without plastic surgery, aesthetic dermatology can be the solution.


Improves skin elasticity, effective in anti-aging treatments and wrinkle prevention.

Suiselle Cellbooster

Cellbooster® is made from the highest quality hyaluronic acid, amino acids, and vitamins.

Our Prices at GeoBeauty

geobeauty ikon
Zo Skin bőrgyógyászati szakorvosi konzultáció teljes protokoll vásárlása esetén Ft
Nucleofill kezelés 75 000 Ft
Vékonyszálas arcfeszesítés
Vékonyszálas arcfeszesítés (szálak számától, típusától függően, -tól) 140 000 Ft
Profhilo hialuronsavas töltés 120 000 Ft
Vivace kezelés 120 000 Ft
Hyaluronsavas arcformázás
Ajak frissítés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Ajak feltöltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 90 000 Ft
Orca töltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Áll kontúrozás (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Állív töltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Szemkörnyék töltés (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft
Supermodel Look (prémium Juvéderm töltőanyaggal/ml) 95 000 Ft

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geomedical időpontfoglalás

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